Social Security Number

Social Security Number

What is the Social Security Number?

The first thing you should know is that any citizen registered into the Spanish Health System has a Social Security Number.

This code is formatted by 8 digits, it never changes and is used to identify all the citizens in the Social Security System (Benefits, Pension or Health Care among others).

This number will become your “Número de Afiliación” once you set up your own business, become autónomo or be employed.

Children and students have a Social Security Number but as they have never worked their “Número de Afiliación” has not yet been activated.

It’s important to know that before to start work you should activate your Social Security Number, so “Afiliarte” in the system.

Where can I find my Social Security Number?

If you have registered into the Spanish Health System you should have received a Health Card and you can find your Social Security Number on it.

The code starts with SS and then all the numbers.

Social Security Number Card

Social Security Number Card

Of course, you can also find your Social Security Number on your payslips, calling Social Security office or even on a medical receipt.

If you have any questions, please, feel free to leave a message in the comments.

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